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Katie Ussery
Nov 13, 20239 min read
New Moon in Scorpio: Alchemical Desire (11.13)
Many things need a bit of destruction in order for reconstruction, but Mars understands that sometimes? Desire is what drives us out of bed.

Katie Ussery
Nov 1, 202313 min read
The Astrology of November 2023 (horoscopes for all 12 signs)
It's a busy month with Saturn stationing, Venus moving into its domicile, a dignified Mars cazimi, the beginning of Sag season, and the...

Katie Ussery
Oct 27, 202317 min read
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Moving The Final Mountain (horoscopes for all 12 signs)
This eclipse is a final installment in a series of lunations that began with the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19th 2021.

Katie Ussery
Oct 1, 202312 min read
The Astrology of October 2023 (horoscopes for all 12 signs)
Creatures of habit writhe and crack and cry out at the unsettling change in the air, but we grow bored of stagnancy all in the same breath.
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